Reflektor, Lüttich
At the heart of the “Cité ardente”, and within the former public baths of La Sauvenière, Reflektor is Liège's eclectic concert venue hosting young talents and international headlined artists. The venue is handled by the association Festivaliege in charge of numerous music events in Belgium, notably Les Ardentes's summer festival.
Technische Details
Neubauten Reflektor
Ort Liège, Belgium.
Baukosten 2.1 million €.
Zeitrahmen Competition: 2011. Design: 2012-2013. Construction: 2013-2015. Opening: March 2015.
Bauherr Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and the City of Liège.
Architekt(en) Cabinet d'architectes p. HD, Liège
Zahl der Sitzplätze The Reflektor has a 600-seat capacity, the café with the foyer has a 200-people capacity, there are areas for artists and offices for the Festivaliege association. Total area 750 m².
Nutzung The 600-seat venue dedicated to amplified music hosts about a hundred concerts a year of rock music, pop music, electro, hip-hop, world music, jazz, techno, house, and drum & bass. It promotes local, national and international artists, be they young talents or well-known performers.
Leistungsumfang Acoustical consulting and design services for the entire project.
Beteiligte Berater Thomas Wulfrank, Kahle Acoustics.