Zuiderstrandtheater, Den Haag
This temporary performance hall is nestled along the dunes, just outside the city. Since 2015 and till the achievement of the new theatre in the center of The Hague, the Zuiderstrandtheater hosts the Residentie Orkest — the philharmonic orchestra of The Hague — and the Nederlands Danstheater.
Technische Details
Neubauten Zuiderstrandtheater.
Ort Scheveningen, The Hague, Netherlands.
Baukosten 14 million €.
Zeitrahmen Design: 2013. Construction: 2013-2014. Opening: October 2014.
Bauherr City of The Hague.
Architect(en) Thijs Mauve Architect thijsmauvearchitect.nl • Jochem Groenland Architect, Netherlands groelandarchitecten.nl
Theaterplaner PB Theateradviseurs, Netherlands.
Zahl der Sitzplätze A 1 000-seat auditorium, a 500 m² “black box” and 5 foyers (from 125 to 400 m²). Total area 5 200 m².
Nutzung The temporary theatre hosts symphonic music performances, as well as dance, opera, theatre, amplified music shows and congresses.
Leistungsumfang Room acoustics and variable acoustics for the theatre and the rehearsal room.
Beteiligte Berater Cees Mulder, Eckhard Kahle, Thomas Wulfrank, Kahle Acoustics.