Jannis Kriz


Acoustical Consulting Experience

While studying for his BSc. Jannis completed an internship at Skyline Robotics in Tel Aviv, Israel in R&D, prototyping an autonomous robot for the building environment. He then worked at the TU Munich as an institute research assistant in the department of Building Physics with Prof. Müller (Müller-BBM) where he contributed to the development of a wave-based structural-acoustic numerical simulation method. Subsequently, he completed another internship at Holoplot in Berlin carrying out acoustic simulations for wave-field synthesis applications in a self-written python framework as well as conducting anechoic loudspeaker measurements.

During his MSc Jannis was held the position of Institute Research Assistant at the TU Berlin in the Audio Communication Group led by Prof. Weinzierl. There he helped to create a directivity database for classical musical instruments.

He joined Kahle Acoustics in October 2022 as an external consultant in room acoustics for performing arts venues. His current role is to support the team in R&D on various international projects. Thanks to his wide range of skills, Jannis has been supporting the team with computer simulations (Comsol, Raven) and modelling for architectural acoustical solutions (CAD, Rhino/GH). Combining his expertise with a thirst for knowledge, curiosity and strong enthusiasm, Jannis is a great asset to the team.

In April 2024, Jannis Kriz becomes an associate.

Jannis Kriz
Jannis Kriz at the Monon Sound Studio in Berlin.


Jannis Kriz was born in Germany in 1996 and started playing electric bass when he was 11 years old.

He graduated with a B.Sc. in Engineering Science from the Technical University in Munich in 2019. He followed an interdisciplinary intensive study program based on the modern demands of mechanical engineering and could gain in-depth knowledge in maths, sciences, mechanics; software engineering and also numerical and experimental (vibro-)acoustics. He then studied Physical Engineering Science at the Technical University of Berlin focussing on numerical acoustics, architectural acoustics, virtual acoustics and acoustic meta-materials. During his course, Jannis gained expertise in computational methods, 3D audio reproduction and auralisation and completed his M.Sc. in Spring 2023 with an extensive research project on stage acoustics.

Musical Experience

Jannis Kriz learned as a teenager to play electric bass and electric guitar and currently works mostly with a modular synthesiser, developing electronic compositions and sound designs. Recently, Jannis created a live generative sound installation at Spoiler Artspace in Berlin where he interacted with the sonic urban space. He has also produced spatial audio projects at Monom, Berlin's Centre for Spatial Sound situated in the Funkhaus building complex. Working on his own compositions and assisting various artists in the 3D sound system, Jannis could expand his understanding of the interplay of sound and space. Some of his audio and visual works are available on www.with-towards.com.


Jannis Kriz recently published his first academic article in the field of acoustics with his paper on the Effect of early reflections on Stage Acoustic Conditions. The article was presented in September 2023 at Forum Acusticum in Torino, Italy.